Stay Sharp With Sorrentino's Sports Center

Stay Sharp With Sorrentino's Sports Center

Skate sharpening and repair

Sorrentino's Sports Center's team of expert skate sharpeners can keep you safe in the rink with our professional blade sharpening and skate repair services. We can sharpen while you shop! Do you have specialty ice skates? No problem! We order custom parts.

3 reasons to have your ice skates sharpened or repaired

Whether you skate for hobby or sport, we want you to stay safe on the ice. Sorrentino's offers skate sharpening and repair because we know how important equipment maintenance is for any activity. Here are three good reasons why you should come see us today for skate sharpening or repair:

  1. You can feel yourself sliding uncomfortably on the ice. This means it's probably time for a routine professional sharpening.
  2. You want your hockey or figure skates to last longer. Good quality ice skates are an investment, and regular maintenance and repairs can keep your skates strong and resilient.
  3. You want to improve your performance. Sharpening and repair for nicks, abrasions or dullness can help with speed and control on the ice.

Keep your skates looking their best. Call Sorrentino's Sports Center today at 716-836-2715.

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